Development & maintenance

Our code brings your projects to life!

We develop your projects with high quality, security and sustainability. In doing so, we use proven and modern development and runtime environments. We have specialized in the following ecosystems: Java, with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as runtime environment Kotlin, a modern development language with some killer arguments Typescript, a modern language for the browser and baking using node.js. More important than the programming languages is the know-how of the respective operating systems, and we have decades of experience in these.

Our expertise in development

  • Decades of experience
  • Established environments
  • Safe development
  • Synergies with other areas
  • Fullstack Typescript with Node.js and build tools
  • Java, Kotlin, JVM
  • Security checks
  • Testing

How we develop your software

Some development success stories



Collaboration in the development of a modern full application stack based on Quarkus and Javascript.




We develop the SwissSign Shop from scratch, including complex price calculations with frontend.