DevOps platforms

Kubernetes (k8s) has emerged as a quasi-standard that can be used to operate complex software systems. A major advantage of k8s is that all cloud providers support this standard, ensuring a certain independence from the provider.

Our service for platforms

  • Architecture
  • On premise integration
  • CI/CD pipelines
  • Operation
  • Monitoring/Alerting

Our success stories with platforms



We use the low-cost Hetzner Cloud for our own development platform. This allows us to boot up almost any number of environments and still have very similar behavior to production.


Pro Senectute

Pro Senectute

We were able to migrate Pro Senectute to their Magnolia Cloud Platform in collaboration with our partner MiroNet.


Kiwi Consultants

Kiwi Consultants

Kiwi Consultants is an example of a so-called "small" customer that runs cost-effectively in a shared Kubernetes cluster on the MiroNet cloud.
